Mr Pang Yoke MinNon-Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Yoke Min Pang, Ph.D., DipBA, has been an Executive Chairman of Pacific Radiance Limited since January 2013. Mr. Pang has been an Executive Director at Pacific Radiance Ltd. since January 2013. Mr. Pang co-founded Jaya Holdings Limited in 1981 and served as its Group Managing Director from 1981 to 2006. He served as the Head of Business Development and Management and Executive Managing Director of Jaya Holdings Limited. He served as Principal Advisor to Pacific Radiance Limited from January 2012 to December 2012. He has been the President Commissioner and Commissioner of PT Logindo Samudramakmur Tbk since 2011. He serves as the Chairman of YM Investco Pte Ltd. He serves as a Director of Crest Offshore Marine Pte Ltd. He has been a Non-Executive & Independent Director of Global Yellow Pages Limited., since February 6, 2007.
He has been a Non-Executive & Non-Independent Director at Pacific Healthcare Holdings Ltd., since May 2, 2013. He serves as a Director Radiance Offshore B.V. He served as a Director of Jaya Holdings Limited. He served as a Non-Executive Director to Pacific Radiance Limited from January 2007 to December 2012. He holds a Diploma in Business Administration from Melbourne, Australia.